Friday, 29 January 2010

Entrance hall of 29 Albury Street c.1911.

I can only remember this hallway with the woodwork painted in a light green/blue with the panel being wallpapered. To see it in the wood so to speak is amazing. The interiors were made of oak panelling with the bannister and rails expertly hand crafted. I can remember back in the late 1950's an american gentlemen visiting my grandmother and asking if he could purchase the whole staircase!! The door on the right was the entrance to the Front Room and was only used Saturday nights and all day Sunday's. Most of the living was done down the stairs and into the scullery/kitchen. The door on the left was the entrance to my grandmothers bedroom which also led to another bedroom annex to it. Gas mantles were still being used in the 50's. You can still see the mantle on the left upper of the front room door and the gas pipe connecting it.

Source: My thanks to the Lewisham Local Studies and Archives


Anonymous said...

Wow! where did you find the picture Andy? Exactly as i remember it.

Andy said...

Found the picture in an old archive in Deptford. It states that it was a view of the entrance hall of 29 Albury Street. You know and I do also that this is correct. I will keep looking to se if I can find more pictures.

Anonymous said...

i can remember Claire giving us some pennies to go and buy a gas mantle, with an unsure look on her face, and im absolutley sure the gas light in the photo was the one we bought it for!

Andy said...

One wonders about fire safty in those days...wing and a prayer I think.

Anonymous said...

Andy ,Ive studied the photo (magnified x500) and the corner of the picture top right looks as though, by the uniforms, its from the crimean war. look at the sargeants pork pie hat.also on doing this ive noticed that the lino which goes under the door to the parlor is different to the one where the dentist is. maybe it is no22. you can pick out so many interesting things at this magnification, laters, J.

Anonymous said...

My name is ernie wilcox and I was born in 34 Albury Street on the 04 01 1952. My mother was Emily wilcox. All the stories of the ghost are true . There were also tunnels in the cellar.and garden .