Monday 30 May 2011

East end of Albury Street. 1960's-early 1970's ?

This photo looks east towards Church St and Creek Road. On the right are the original houses, Nos, 34 first on the right, and then 36, 38 and 40. The next block, one with the window open has since been demolished. On the left far end of the street you can see a white building. This was the "Kings Head" public house. Coming towards us we can see a tall building with ornate stone capping. This was the Albany Institute now replaced by Albany House. The houses on the left appear to be missing their door brackets which leaves me to believe this photo was taken late 1960's when the tenants were moved out and rehoused due to the threat of impending demolition of the street. Many of the original ornate door  brackets were stolen or lost.

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