Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Stowage 1904

This old photo of the Stowage also shows St Nicholas's Church just in view on the left and the Charnel House left/centre. 
A Charnel House is a vault or building where human skeletal remains are stored. They are often built near churches for depositing bones that are unearthed while digging graves The term can also be used more generally as a description of a place filled with death and destruction. The Charnel House was also known as the Watch House or Mortuary and was built soon after the rebuilding of the main part of the church at the end of the 17th C. At that time, bodies would be laid there for safekeeping. The building was restored in 1958.


mail said...

Hi Andy.....I have been researching
a company called Griffiths & Co,who had a number of shops - 2 in the High St. Nos.18 & 110 (later Woolworths). I have a great picture of this shop taken about the same time as your Stowage pic. It appears to show an established and thriving Co.but in fact it had a very short life. Will be happy to share pic and story if you are interested Ron King

Andy said...

Hi Ron Sorry its taken so long to get back to you but I did reply soon after your posting but now looking back seems my reply may not have got back to you?

Anyway would like to see the photos very much and the story which I will post for you. Great and sorry for the lack of my response

Best regards


Anonymous said...

Some of my ancestors lived in Stowage (nrs 15, 18 & 48) would love to know the nrs of the houses in the photo.